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Dealing with depression

10 Ways to feel positive and peaceful when you are dealing with depression

10 Ways to feel positive and peaceful when you are dealing with depression:

  1. Focus on self-love.
  2. Listen to your inner child, without resistance. Validate it, empathize with it and reassure it.
  3. Notice how you feel in your body when you are feeling and unpleasant feeling.
  4. Ask someone else for what you need. Create a connection.
  5. Participate in an enjoyable activity to help you get out of your head and into the present moment.
  6. Focus on the thought “a lot is possible if I be open to options.”
  7. Use a pleasant visualization to release your painful thoughts.
  8. Practice gratitude for the good times in your life.
  9. Do something productive, no matter how small.
  10. Practice tolerating letting love in.

Remember, the grass is always greener where you water it!

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