Best Mental Health Service In California for Treatments of ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and Bipolar Disorder



Insight Choices TMS Therapy

Insight Choices TMS was one of the first few TMS providers in Southern California to offer outpatient treatment for depression by using FDA approved technology called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.  We have administered over 500 treatments. We focus on compassionate care and always put the needs of our patients first.

TMS Therapy

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a treatment modality that uses magnetic waves to stimulate and excite molecules inside brain cells in order to activate improved cell functioning. Magnetic therapy has been around for a long time. Only within the past 15 years has magnetic therapy been used on the brain to treat mental disorders in the United States. The FDA cleared the treatment of depression with this modality in 2008. The health insurance companies cover the treatment of depression and OCD using this treatment modality. Outside of the United States, it’s been used to treat many other conditions including anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, Parkinson’s disease, etc. Looking at a brain scan (PET scan) of a depressed person (on your right), the brain’s color is mostly blue which means the brain cells are not active. A non-depressed brain (on your left) has a lot of yellow and orange colors, which means the brain cells are firing up and active. TMS treatment stimulates the brain and causes the brain cells to become active again.

Each TMS session takes less than an hour. A complete course of TMS treatment is around 6 to 8 weeks. During the first 4 to 6 weeks, you will come in daily for treatment, 5 days a week. Afterwards, the treatment session will be tapered based on your response. At the first TMS session, we will find the location where the brain needs to be stimulated by the electromagnet. Subsequently, your brain will be stimulated at that location every time you come in. You’re comfortably seated during the entire session. There is no anesthesia, incision, or blood draw involved. You will be awake and can converse during the entire session. After the session, you can perform any activity without restriction. Patients come in before, during, or after their work schedule and function without interference after the session. 

To be eligible for TMS there are some requirements to fulfill:

  • Have you taken more than 4 different types of anti-depressant medication?

  • Have you tried talk therapy and have not found it to be as effective anymore?

  • Have medications failed to provide adequate benefit for your depression?

  • Do the side effects from your medication outweigh the benefit?

  • Are you tired of letting depression take control of your life?

  • Is depression affecting your ability to make good life choices?

If you answer yes to any of the above questions, please ask your provider to refer you to our TMS treatment! 

TMS treatment cannot be conducted on anyone who has metal or implanted devices in his or her body. Clinical trials are being conducted on patients suffering from ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, etc. However, most health insurance companies will only pay for the treatment if the patient has treatment resistant depression and has gone through many failed medication treatments. We can conduct a clinical interview with you to see if you may qualify for TMS treatment paid for by your insurance company.

We are an in-network provider with multiple insurance carriers. We use a state of the art TMS machine from Denmark that is capable of delivering theta bursts that conventional TMS machines can’t. Theta bursts have been shown to be superior to conventional treatment protocols. We are a comprehensive mental health practice that provides medication management,  and psychotherapy, in addition to TMS service. We are open 7 days a week for your convenience. We have the most affordable rates if your insurance company does not cover you for your TMS treatment.


TMS is covered by most major insurances. 

Insight Choices is an In-Network provider for many insurance plans, including but are not limited to Anthem Blue Cross / Blue Shield of California, Aetna, Blue Shield of California / MHSA, United Healthcare / Optum, Cigna, ComPsych, and others.

TMS vs. Medication

TMS is a safe, noninvasive, and effective treatment for difficult to treat depression. It’s been a credible form of therapy for treatment resistant depression in the United States for almost a decade. Major academic health centers such as Harvard, Duke, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford University have been using it for many years. It has much less side effects compared to ECT (Electric Shock Treatment) and medication treatment. Many people suffering from depression have tried multiple medications without complete remission of symptoms. When they tried TMS, a significant number of them have a complete remission of symptoms.  TMS doesn’t cause weight gain, dry mouth, drowsiness, jitteriness or sexual side effects like many antidepressants do.

TMS vs. Medication
Targeted Brain Stimulation with TMS

 Medication is absorbed into the body and affects many areas of the body such as the liver, kidney, thyroid, gut, muscle, etc. TMS affects mainly the part of the brain that we want to stimulate and has no effect on other parts of the body. TMS treatment cannot be performed on people who have metal or device implanted in their body. People who have metal or device implanted in their body can still take medication. TMS treatment is more costly than antidepressant treatment in the short-run. However, TMS treatment may be more cost effective than antidepressant treatment in the long run since its effect on achieving remission can be more robust than antidepressant treatment. Taking into account hospitalization cost, doctor and therapist cost, long-term medication cost, and depression related diseases cost, TMS treatment can save money for the health insurance company and for the patient.

TMS vs. ECT (Electric Shock Treatment)

TMS uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate a localized portion of the brain whereas ECT uses electricity to stimulate a bigger portion of the brain. ECT requires a person to be unconscious under anesthesia. TMS treatment is an outpatient procedure and doesn’t require anesthesia or blood work. TMS doesn’t cause short-term memory loss like ECT does. TMS treatment costs much less than ECT. The effect of ECT on depression appears to be stronger than conventional TMS. However, there are more possibilities of something going wrong due to anesthesia with ECT. There are also more possibilities of side effects from ECT than with TMS treatment. 


Proven Results

Our patients have seen great results, and notice their symptoms reduce by the second week of treatment. 

There are different various ways we measure how successful treatment is going. For us, the depressive symptoms should be reduced by at least 50% by the end of treatment. We measure depressive symptoms by using scales called the BDI-2, and the PHQ-9 scale. 

Please see attached graph from one of our past TMS patients. 

In this particular data, the baseline score of the BDI-2 was 40, by the end of this patient’s treatment he scored at a 22. Which is about 50% improvement. In terms of his PHQ-9 his baseline score was a 21, and by the end of treatment his PHQ-9 scored at an 8. We can see that this patient had a significant reduction of their depressive symptoms. 

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II)

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II)

Classification Total Score
Severe Depression
Moderate Depression
Mild Depression
Minimal Depression

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

Classification Total Score Level
Severe depression
Moderate depression
Low depression
Minimal depression

Beck Anxiety Inventory

Classification Total Score
Severe Anxiety
Moderate Anxiety
Mild Anxiety
Minimal Anxiety

Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS)

The WEMWBS is a measure of mental well-being focusing entirely on positive aspects of mental health.
The minimum scale score is 14 and the maximum is 70. 
Higher scores are associated with higher levels of mental well-being.

Health Insurance Companies That Cover TMS Treatment

If you do not see your health insurance plan listed above, please contact us at (323) 375-0950 to see how we can help you.

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